Monday, June 19, 2017

Modesty vs. Summer

Although it is a difficult subject to talk about and not offend people. I wanted to write a short post about how I manage my outfits and swim suits over the hotter seasons.

First off, no you don't have to wear just a bikini to be cool, or attractive! I've never worn just a bikini anywhere and I'm happy about it!
I'm not comfortable wearing that little, but I'm not ashamed of my body either. I usually wear shorty shorts and a light tee over whatever swim suit I'm sporting. No matter the place. It's just how I am.

If other people tell you that you have to wear just a bikini to fit in, but you're not comfortable with that. It's okay you're not the only one!

Some times there are events where people say the dress code is specific to a certain type of clothing. Like a summer dress or high heels.

There has been controversy lately about a woman getting fired for not wearing heels to work, but that, in my opinion is extremely unfair.

Anyway, if a summer dress is to short for you to be comfortable in you can wear tights or legging. A lot of the time I wear shorty shorts under my skirts if they're on the short side to make sure I don't flash anyone. (It also helps a little with chaffing.)

The point is if you prefer to be modest and Summer is your enemy because of it. It's okay to not wear stuff you're not comfortable in. Wear t-shirts overs bikini's if you want to! Wear tankinis if you want!

Have a fun Summer! Spend it with friends or family or both. Go to the beach or even the mountains. Enjoy the squelching heat! ;)

Friday, May 26, 2017

Looking for inspiration

One thing about me, I am creative. Like extremely creative! I'm not blowing my own horn by that. I only mean I have a creative mind and it's extremely frustrating sometimes.

It's kind of a funny comparison but in games when a character has to do a certain thing or it loses health. Yeah, that's me with creativity. So it's understandably discouraging when I haven't sketched, or taken pictures or whatever in a while.
It's almost like there's a little bar that shows how good or bad I'm feeling. Because I have anxiety, I am an introvert, and other things the bar is always fluctuating. I feel fantastic when it's full and green, but on tough days it's yellow and only half full. If the bad un-creative days go on for a while it's red and very low. Those are the times when I need to do, or make, something. Or I feel sad and un-happy.

Which is why inspiration is so important to me. I would never want stuff I've created, if I didn't truly like what it was, to represent me. If I wrote just to write and it reflected my mood and I wasn't inspired I would hate to post it. It would be a waste. If I took bad photos that I didn't really care about or love. I don't really want to remember they exist much less use them.

I go to all different places for encouragement. My mom is a key one, but also peers who have the same interests. They inspire me by their own creations. Reading my Bible helps, and talking to my best friend. There are many ways. Depending on what's going on.

As bad as I am at it. I try to learn from the bad, get over it, and forget it. And get myself back to the green.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Loving Jazz in modern day

I've thought about what it would be like if someone from the past came to modern day times. I know random! But hear me out.
What would they think of us? What would they think of the differences in our music, our culture?

It's just something I've thought about before. It got me thinking about music, and jazz specifically. I've seen so many old movies and know so much about jazz and big band music. That I feel like a few years ago. (When I was really obsessed with jazz.) I could understand what they would think about music now.

Since then I have begun to love modern music too, there's so much, and it's so different. The many types are so diverse now! I couldn't not love it!

I still love the oldies and can appreciate a good jazz fest. It makes me think, and want to make myself remember the past. How important and special it is. Even if it doesn't really fit in our world now.

It's kinda funny because I had this idea for a post a week or so ago. Then I posted a vintage inspired pic on Instagram. Weird, right?