Monday, March 13, 2017


Along with, what's your favorite color? or what's your middle name? What's your favorite season? was one of the main need to know things about someone when I was a kid. Getting to know someone was practically a questionnaire of things. So with so much time to think about it, and evaluate my options I have finally decided I prefer wintertime to any other part of the year.

Mostly because I love Christmas and snow. (Not that it snows where I live.) But also because there are no pesky bugs or allergies and I can layer my clothes! (Which I love to do!) Even though my winters aren't always the ideal hot cocoa and a good book days. More often than not I prefer them to heat and critters.

Spring comes anyway, however, no matter how hard I try and wish it not to. Every year I am forced to say goodbye to, "the most wonderful time of the year..."

Spring isn't all bad I suppose, there is... flowers? I mean swimming is more of a summer thing, but still possible I guess. Hmm, apparently I don't know of any pros about it being Spring soon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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