Tuesday, March 7, 2017

5 Vintage Things that Need to Come Back

I saw a post titled the same as this one. It inspired me to write this and share what my version is. I actually know the girl who wrote it, but I disagreed with a few of the points. So I thought I'd make one with my own things.

1. Jukeboxes are one of the coolest most overlooked vintage items in existence. Everyone is quick to say polaroids and record players, but nobody seems to remember jukeboxes. They are a bit big and loud, and they were a key entertainment element in the 50s and 60s.

2. Vintage Glamour Shots were always so elegant. Don't get me wrong photography today is wonderful, but I don't mind a TBT every once in a while. (Throw back Thursday)

3. Records I own a record player and many vintage records. I really enjoy just relaxing and listening to some jazz.

4. Jazz music. It seems like today everyone has forgotten the "golden oldies". I love Jazz. I used to be obsessed with jazz, and big band and swing music. It's great, and relaxing and is clean so you don't have to feel self conscious if someone catches you listening to it in public. ;)

5.  Bright Red Lipstick. Although I'm typically not daring enough to chose this all the time it can be a staple outfit accessory.

When I was around 12 till I was about 15-16 I vintage things were my life! I loved anything from the 1920's to the 1960's. Whether it was movies, music, people or fashion. It was my biggest hobby and passion. I wouldn't touch anything to do with music or movies from this century. 

I have moved on from that stage of my life for a while now, but I'll always think of it fondly. It was an experience to say the least.

I rarely watch old movies now and listen to Jazz less often than I would like. Never forget your roots. What made you who you are today.

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