Saturday, June 25, 2016

Avengers shoes

You could probably say I'm a bit of a geek. So when I saw this project on Pinterest I had to do it!

You need:
White canvas shoes
Mod Podge
X-Acto knife
Painters tape
Tiny paint brush
Foam brush

(You'll also want something to stuff in the toes of your shoes to help them keep there shape until your ready to wear them.)

You'll want to take the two layers of the napkins apart. The kind I got were two-ply if you have one that is different you'll only need the designed sheet.

I used my tiny paint brush to make a thin line of water on the napkin where I wanted to take out the character. Don't use scissors! Just tear gently. You want the edges to be somewhat rough, so they will mesh together better. 

Figure out where you want your characters. You should probably do a few extras. You'll end up needing extra pieces.

Use the foam brush to put a thin layer of Mod Podge in the area your going to put your character. Then put a thin layer over the top. I had to get more hands-on to get the wrinkles and bubbles out. Be very gentle. Only do one at a time. If you do several at once the colors might bleed through and ruin it.

I did one on the left shoe then one on the right and gave them plenty of time to dry. Repeat the process until your shoes are mostly covered. There may still some blank spots after you have all the characters you want on each shoe. Just take the bits and pieces you have left or new pieces and fill in the gaps.

Once your shoes including the tongue are completely covered and dry. Use the X-Acto knife to put the eye-lets out so you can put the laces back in.

If you want to make your shoes waterproof you can spray them with a waterproof seal. Clear spray paint for instance. Or outdoor mod podge. I didn't have any and decided to just be careful not to wear them when it rains.

Here's the finished product!! Pretty cool, huh?

When you put time and effort into a project, and you finish it you should be very proud of it.

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