Monday, November 9, 2015

House Haul

Nothing to fancy just some cute things to help make my new place feel more homey.

This tray came from Target, for only $1.
 It's decently sized for the price. Plus its chalkboard.

I got this candle from Walmart. Like I said nothing to fancy. It cost $4.50, a little more than I'm comfortable spending on a candle, but I loved the colored glass. I also thought it was on sale and didn't realize it wasn't until I got in the car.

 I got this little stand at Walmart for $1 or less from the frame section. It's a nice way to display your favorite CD's or books or a canvas or anything.

Although this is more of a diy than a haul item.
 I thought it would be a nice thing if you could find something that was like this already.

I always wanted something I can use on a table by my door to put my purse/wallet on and have a little bowl for my keys. I got this for a couple of dollars from Walmart

Now this is one of my favorite items. Its a 6 1/2"-8 1/2" canvas with a happy message. 
I got this for $4 at Walmart in the frame section.

I got these cute little tins from Dollar Tree for $1 each. They are great for putting jewelry
 or cotton balls or anything like that.

Now this little jar I got from the Dollar Tree is so handy. I use it for chocolate, but you could use it for pretty much anything. I think it would be very useful for storing extra bathroom supplies. Like Q-tips, or band-aids or cotton balls. Pretty much anything that will fit would look cute stored in these.

This little basket from Dollar Tree is very cute and useful. I keep all my chargers and headphones and anything with wires in one. In another one I keep little electric knick knacks like my old iPod, speakers and camera etc.

Most of these things I've had for a while, so I've had plenty of time to use them and see if they're actually worth the money or not. Every single thing is, I love it all and hope to get more cool stuff in the future. 

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