Monday, September 14, 2015

Emoji Shoes

Have you ever been in the position of needing new shoes but love the old torn up ones to throw them away? Well, that's me with all my shoes. I wore these out and now the sole is coming undone and the sides are coming unstitched. I got some new ones that look similar that I love, but I still didn't want to get rid of these. So I decided to update them a little and use them when they could get wet or messed up instead of messing up the new ones.

How to:
I used paint-pens and a cutout of my favorite emoji I got online. 
I used the medium tip white paint-pen as a base. 
Then I used a fine tipped black to do the outlining. 
Then it's pretty much coloring in the lines. 
I used a medium tipped pink. and a fine tipped yellow. 
Although in retrospect I would recommend a medium tip yellow. 

You will need to put something inside of the shoe to give you something firm to press down on.

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