Friday, March 15, 2013

Nail polish

1. This is a good way to organize nail polish colors.

Of course you have to have the names so you'll know which color is which bottle. It's a good way to keep track in case one breaks, gets lost or goes dry.

 All I need now to complete my set is Yellow.

Nail polish on tumtacks.
A good way to create a marbleized look with nail polish.
 Full tutorial From Design Mom
A good way to keep track of you keys cover with nail polish,
you could even write words/letters  on them
A polka dot backpack, you can make more than just backpacks too.
 from P.S. I made this

                                                             designed boby pins

Break a glow in the dark stick into clear nail polish mix and , Viola!
if your the careful type you probably won't want to risk doing this, there is a contraversy over whether it is toxic or not. 

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