Monday, July 8, 2013

It's a House

What You'll need:

2 Kleenex box's
White Rapping Paper (whatever color paper you use will be the outside of the house)
Toothpaste Box (Long thin box, for the chimney)
Advil box (similar size)
Cotton Balls(if you want snow)

Duct Tape
various colored paper

You can start with the Chimney or the House, if you start with the House you need to attach the Kleenex boxes together with the openings facing each other.(I used Duct Tape) After this rap them like you would a present. The windows, doors. and roof are a bit more delicate. Attach a square, colored piece of paper where you want to put your windows(curtains are optional.) Cut out your windows and door from a different color paper from what you used for the house. Then attach window frame.( and Door)  For your roof you'll need to get some card stock or thin cardboard cutout and fold, Like so.
You can then tape it to the top of the house. 

You done with the main part but now it's time for the chimney. Take your toothpaste box and cover it with paper. Then take you Advil type box and cover it with paper, tape the two together. I drew bricks on the house and Chimney this is also optional, but I think it gives it a cute touch. 

Now its time for the snow unless of course your not doing it for Christmas in which case you can do many other things to your house such as flowerboxs. However I made this one for Christmas and so I will tell you how to make it from cotten balls. Take the Cotton ball in one hand, with your other hand unroll cottenball and pull into pieces, glue these pieces on the house and chimney. After that if your happy and like the look of your house your done. 

Find somewhere safe to display.

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