Monday, March 20, 2017

No Time

I've started almost every post on every social media and blog for the past several months with, I've been so busy lately, or I'm sorry I haven't been active, or I so overwhelmed with work and projects I haven't been writing lately.

Sometimes I just want to cuddle up in my bed, eat chocolate, watch some Netflix and hide from the world. Lives get hectic, people get busy and important things fall to a back burner or completely disappear.

This last year I decided I'm going to work on building a photography business. It was a big decision that took a lot of soul searching and praying and honestly, crying. That's normal right?

This year I've really tried to make time to watch courses and dedicate time to photography and improving my skills. I would like to dedicate more time to it, but that's impossible at the moment.

Even so, it's important to remember on difficult days and long weeks what your striving for. Your goals, and what you are working towards, and what makes you happy at the end of the day. <3

Peace, Love and all that fun stuff!

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