Saturday, February 21, 2015

Clip Board makeover

My moto Small Thing with an Edge. Here is yet another example of my favorite hobbies, in this case painting. I had an old clipboard that was covered in stickers and marker so I decided to make it up a little bit because I was bored. So I got some cream acrylic paint and although it is wonderful it wasn't covering it up very well. I did several coats and it was still almost see through. So I changed to spray paint, just as a primer. I used white spray paint let it dry and then painted two coats of the cream colored acrylic paint over that. I let that dry overnight and taped off the chevron stripes, they're not perfectly lined up, but I don't mind to much. Anyway after I had it all taped up I painted it with some pale blue. After it dried a little I pulled off all the tape and let that dry. I still wanted to cover it with some sort of sealant though because the paint had a texture I didn't like. I used some Gloss Mod Podge to cover the whole thing and after that dried I was done! Here it is all finished.

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